Life: The Excitement of Biology

A journal promoting the in-depth understanding of all forms of life


LEB 9(1) 2021


LEB 8(4) 2020

De Loof, A. and L. Schoofs. 2020. From One Site of Insect Juvenile Hormone Synthesis, No Identified Receptors, and a Denomination as “Status Quo Hormone” in the 1960s to Multiple, Sometimes Conflicting, Possibilities to Date. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(4):196-238.

Aiello, A. 2020. A View from the Past. The One-Room Schoolhouse: Good Riddance or Sad Loss? Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(4):239-241.

Bartell, G. 2020. News from the Neighborhood. From the Fish (Pisces) I Raised and Sold to the Butterflies (Lepidoptera) I Rear and Release in York Pennsylvania, USA. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(4):242-246.

Santiago-Blay, J. A. 2020. Index for Volume 8 (202) of Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(4):247-249.


LEB 8(3) 2020


LEB 8(2) 2020


LEB 8(1) 2020

Santiago-Blay, J. A._Editorial. The First Seven Years (2013-2019) of Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(1):1-3.

Nieves-Rivera, A.,  J. P. Zegarra Vila, C. E. Figuerola Hernández, J. E. García-Hernández, and N. V. Schizas. 2020 Recent and Historical Explorations of the Underwater Section of Cueva del Agua, Punta Los Ingleses, Mona Island (Puerto Rico), with a New Faunal Record. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(1):4-22.

Lugemwa, F. N. 2020. Editorial. The Coronavirus Pandemic in the Age of Social Media: A Chronology and Impacts on Peoples of African Descent. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(1):23-33.


LEB 7(4) 2019

Resources for Integrating Immersive Experiences in an Educational Setting by Amy Kuntz LEB 7(4):165-180.

A Distribution Model for the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia: Iguanidae), in Puerto Rico by Carlos Andrés Rodríguez Gómez, Rafael L. Joglar, Mariano Solórzano, and William A. Gould.  LEB 7(4)181-196. 

A New Molecular Type of Amber for Burma (Myanmar) by Joseph B. Lambert, Jonna M. Karlberg, Natasha R. Muppala, Tayde A. Contreras, Yuyang Wu, and Jorge A. Santiago-Blay LEB 7(4):197-212.

Addendum. Voucher Specimens of Littorina littorea Used in Paper Authored by Ye and Published in LEB 6(3):108-121 in 2018 Are Deposited at ANSP. William Ye. LEB 7(4):213-214.

Index to volume 7 of Life: The Excitement of Biology by Jorge A. SantiagoBlay LEB 7(4):214-216.


LEB 7(3) 2019

Ecological Factors and the Distribution of Adult Odonata in Puerto Rico by Ariel Diaz, Delwin J. Rodríguez-Flores, Ana G. Rivera-Vega, Edgardo Cruz-Marcano, Iris M. Velázquez-Oliveras, and Luis A. Villanueva-Cubero. LEB 7(3):115-147.

Superparasitism on the Wasp Ammophila pictipennis Walsh (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Ammophilinae) by Strepsiptera, with a Record of Observed Instances of Stylopization of Wasps in the Genus Ammophila Kirby from the Grounds of North High School, Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A. 2008 – 2019 by G. K. Lechner._LEB 7(3):148-158.

Book Review – An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development. Plant Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century (Second Edition). 2007 by Charles B. Beck. Cambridge University Press. New York, NY, USA. 441 pp. ISBN 978-0-521-51805-5 (Hardback) by Jorge A. Santiago-Blay._LEB 7(3):159-164.


LEB 7(2) 2019

DeLoff_and Schoofs – Calcitox-Metamorphosis in Insects: The Calcium (Ca2+)-Homeostasis System as the Integrated Primordial Receptor System for both Juvenile Hormone and Ecdysteroids

Rios, Joglar, and Thomas – Variation in Bioacoustic Characteristics in
Eleutherodactylus coqui Thomas, 1966 and Eleutherodactylus antillensis (Reinhardt and Lutken, 1863) (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) in the Puerto Rico Bank


LEB 7(1) 2019

Santiago-Blay – Editorial: The First Six Years (2013-2018) of Life: The Excitement of Biology

Cabrera, Harmsen, and Vélez – The Effect of Shade Houses on the Insect Pests and Yield of Three Important Plant Crops in Puerto Rico: Pepper, Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae), Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus (Cucurbitaceae), and Cabbage, Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae)

Laboy-Nieves and Santiago-Blay – UV-Induced Fluorescence of Two Puerto Rican Endemic Arthropods: The Harvestman, Yunquenus portoricanus and the Millipede, Spirobolellus richmondi

Hribar – Brighton Clark “Bugs” Cain (1897 – 1951): A Man Who Inspired Children to Love Insects

Saul – Geographical and Biological Origin of the Influenza Pandemic of 1918: Update and Correction

Santiago-Blay – Book Review – The Spark of Leaning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion by Sarah Rose Cavanagh


LEB 6(4) 2018

Chen – Social Behavior and Structure in Wild and Captive Groups of the African Wild Dog, Lycaon pictus (Temminck, 1820) (Carnivora: Canidae)

Santiago-Blay (Rapporteur), Do One Good Thing for Bees Today: Twenty-five Facts about North American Wild Bees

Santiago-Blay – Book Review Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Santiago-Blay – Index Volume 6 (2018) of Life: The Excitement of Biology