LEB 8(3) 2020
Pankam, M. 2020. Mussel Memories: An Interdisciplinary Overview of Bivalve (Mollusca) Gathering, Mariculture, and Other Culture Practices amongst Several Pre-Modern Communities on the Western Coasts of the Americas. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(3):117-149.Download
Pérez-Rivera, R. A. 2020. Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (Linnaeus, 1758), Disrupts the Nesting of Birds in Puerto Rico. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(3):150-154.Download
Lambert, J. B., R. C. Yudin, T. A. Contreras, C. L. Johnson, T. M. Nguyen, Y. Wu, and J. A. Santiago-Blay. 2020. Molecular Classification of Banana Exudates. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(3):155-173. Download
Inglés-Casanova, R. 2020. Characterization of the Lesions Associated with the Pineapple Gum Disease Caused by the Larva of Batrachedra comosae Hodges, 1966 (Lepidoptera: Batrachedridae) in the Cultivar Red Spanish, or Española Roja, in Puerto Rico. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(3):174-189.Download
Metzler, E. H. 2020. Book Review. Hawkmoths of Australia, Identification, Biology and Distribution. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Volume 13. By Maxwell S. Moulds, James P. Tuttle, and David A. Lane. CSIRO Publishing. Clayton South, Victoria, Australia. 2020. 414 pp. (including 83 color plates, small folio). ISBN: 9781486302819 (Hard cover). $162.00 and up. Available from the publisher and many retail outlets including Pemberley Books (United Kingdom), Goecke Evers (Germany), ABEBooks.com and Amazon.com online retailers. Life: The Excitement of Biology 8(3):190-193.Download