Authors, including Guidelines
Life: The Excitement of Biology is indexed and/or abstracted by CABI [Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (Online), AgBiotechNetAnimal Science Database, Biocontrol News and Information (Online), CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux), Environmental Impact, Forest Science Database, Forestry Abstracts (Online), Global Health, Grasslands and Forage Abstract (Online), Horticultural Science Database, InfoTree, Ornamental Horticulture (Online), Parasitology Database, Plant Breeding Abstracts (Online), Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts (Online), Plant Genetics and Breeding Database, Plant Protection Database, Protozoological Abstracts (Online), Review of Agricultural Entomology (Online), Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Online), Review of Plant Pathology (Online), Soil Science Database, Soils and Fertilizers (Online), TropAg & Rural, Tropical Diseases Bulletin (Online), Veterinary Science Database, and VetMed Resource)], Clarivate Analytics [(Biological Abstracts (Online), BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record (Online)], EBSCOhost [(Academic Search Alumni Edition, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Complete, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Elite, 6/1/2015-, Academic Search Premier, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Ultimate, 6/1/2015-, Biological Abstracts (Online)], Google Scholar, Research Gate, and Ulrich’s !
To submit a paper, simply send a Word document to the Editor at the following email address: . Mouse over Guidelines to authors … (below) for detailed instructions on how to put together a paper for Life: The Excitement of Biology.
Who Should Submit?
LEB invites authors interested in the promotion of understanding organisms’ origins, their biology, as well as their prolonged conservation and impact to humans to contribute articles to Life: The Excitement of Biology.
When an author submits a paper to Life: The Excitement of Biology s/he/all are providing explicit legal consent and accepting the ethical obligation that the paper will be published, if accepted, on a timely basis, as determined by the editor, and understands that there may be financial consequences and professional sanctions if this agreement is violated.
Benefits to Authors
- Editor’s Responsiveness. Authors are welcomed to contact the Editor-in-Chief of LEB directly to inquire on the status and other aspects of their paper. Typically, authors will receive a reply to their inquiry within 24 hours. The review process generally takes several weeks. Please, use the following email:
- Fast Publication. All manuscripts are reviewed by, at least, two competent colleagues in a single-blind process. Papers are processed efficiently (2-3 months, see image at the bottom of this page). The online version is available as soon as possible after authors submit their final revision; the printed version is typically available within one additional month.
- High Quality Papers. LEB publishes high quality papers on all forms of life, such as bacteria, archaeans, plants, fungi, animals (including insects, humans, etc.), and others at all levels of the hierarchical biological organization, from the atomic to the biospheric. Some papers address the practical importance of organisms to human endeavors, others address the systematics or other aspects of their biology.
- Constructive Service to Authors. Although authors are responsible for providing manuscripts in standard English, the experienced Editor-in-Chief of LEB and a worldwide network of expert reviewers constructively help authors improve the scientific quality of their submitted review papers, as their time may allow.
- Author’s Control. Authors of papers intended for publication in Life: The Excitement of Biology have multiple opportunities to revise their accepted papers and keep their “voice” while their work moves along towards expedient publication. Authors are expected to secure permission to use images whose copyright belong to someone else. Importantly, authors retain copyright of their work.
- Hard copy and digital versions available.
- Affordable.
Page Charges for Authors
Page charge of $30.00 per printed page plus an additional fee if the author of a printed article wishes to have the color images printed in color to defray costs of printing LEB. There are no discounts.
Payment Methods
1. Check (also spelled cheque). Payments from a US bank and/or made using US dollars carry no fee (e.g. institutional, personal). This is the preferred method of payment.
If a payment is made using non-USA checks there is a fee of $18.00 dollars per check for processing Canadian checks in US or Canadian dollars. The fee charged to me will have to be paid by the author in advance. Unfortunately, the costs of processing a check drawn on a bank account from any other country requires that the check be sent for collection, with a much higher fee, hence, I cannot accept them.
In all cases, payment must be made to Blay Publishers LLC in US dollars where funds are drawn from a US bank (no additional fees). Please, contact Jorge Santiago-Blay at if additional details are needed.
2. Other methods. If payment using check is not possible, please contact Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay at so that we may explore mutually realistic options.
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