Life: The Excitement of Biology

A journal promoting the in-depth understanding of all forms of life


Life: The Excitement of Biology is indexed and/or abstracted by CABI [Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (Online), AgBiotechNetAnimal Science Database, Biocontrol News and Information (Online), CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux), Environmental Impact, Forest Science Database, Forestry Abstracts (Online), Global Health, Grasslands and Forage Abstract (Online), Horticultural Science Database, InfoTree, Ornamental Horticulture (Online), Parasitology Database, Plant Breeding Abstracts (Online), Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts (Online), Plant Genetics and Breeding Database, Plant Protection Database, Protozoological Abstracts (Online), Review of Agricultural Entomology (Online), Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Online), Review of Plant Pathology (Online), Soil Science Database, Soils and Fertilizers (Online), TropAg & Rural, Tropical Diseases Bulletin (Online), Veterinary Science Database, and VetMed Resource)], Clarivate Analytics [(Biological Abstracts (Online), BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record (Online)], EBSCOhost [(Academic Search Alumni Edition, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Complete, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Elite, 6/1/2015-, Academic Search Premier, 6/1/2015- , Academic Search Ultimate, 6/1/2015-, Biological Abstracts (Online)]Google  ScholarResearch Gate, and Ulrich’s !


Subscriptions for one volume (4 issues, quarterly) are available, as follows:

  • Institutional: Printed: $95 (add Pennsylvania, USA state tax and any applicable taxes; add $10 for shipping and handling if out of the USA); digital: $75 (add Pennsylvania, USA state tax and any applicable taxes).
  • Individual:  Printed: $60 (add Pennsylvania, USA state tax and any applicable taxes; add $10 for shipping and handling if out of the USA); digital: $75 (add Pennsylvania, USA state tax and any applicable taxes).

The digital version of LEB is free for volumes 1-3.


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Claims and cancellations must be made in writing (email is OK) and promptly. Claims must be made within 30 days after the day of publication of the issue for which the claim is made.  Cancellations made in writing will be honored and a refund proportional to the number of issues not mailed will be issued.