What our authors say: Fast response and excellent service
”40 issues: Congratulations and THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! I repeat what I said before: you are the best and most helpful editor I ever had. I hope that you still have the drive to continue for some more time.” Dr. Arnold De Loof (June 24, 2023; Functional Genomics and Proteomics Group, Department of Biology, KU Leuven-University of Leuven, Belgium)
“LEB is such an exemplar case of what can happen with perseverance, talent, and vision. You have created a wonderful instantiation of your passion that resonates with a wide range of readers. And it seems that you have inverted the general rule of technical journals from ‘Can we find a reason to reject this?’ to ‘How can we help the author to make this publishable?’ ” Jeffrey A. Lockwood (June 22, 2023; University of Wyoming, Laramie WY, USA)
”Always, it is always a pleasure to work with Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay. He is enthusiastic, efficient, and abundantly curious. Recently he generously agreed to seek a place to publish a brief paper of mine on one-room schools and ended up publishing it in LEB 8(4) He gave it his usual professional treatment and published it within a month. Jorge, thank you. With gratitude,” Annette Aiello (February 23, 2021; Balboa, Ancón, Republic of Panamá)
“Looks like a great issue [LEB 8(2)] is just out. It is hard to realize the journal is now over seven years old! What a great vision and great job you have done starting and then promoting it! Interesting that a lot of articles are from Latin American colleagues. Life: The Excitement of Biology is serving a real purpose in giving scientists from those areas a conduit for publishing.” Garland Allen (September 9, 2020; Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA).
“I feel very satisfied with the way our article [Díaz Méndez and Aguiar-Escobar, LEB 8(3)]) came out and I hope to be able to publish in LEB again.” Sheylda N. Díaz-Méndez PhD (September 8, 2020; Departamento de Biología, Escuela de Ciencias Naturales y Tecnología, Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Barceloneta, Puerto Rico).
“Recently, I was asked to comment on my experience getting a paper published in Life: The Excitement of Biology. I think it was an excellent experience. Dr. Jorge Santiago-Bay, the editor, was accessible and efficient. Also, I liked publishing in LEB because the editor was relatively fast, agile, and meticulous. I recommend LEB to my colleagues in science as an alternative venue for their papers.” Ángel M. Nieves-Rivera, PhD (June 12, 2020, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
“Dr. Blay is truly a wonderful editor to work with. I’ve published several papers over the years with Jorge as the editor, and he is always responsive, helpful, and encouraging.” Dr. Scott L. Kight (May 8, 2020; Department of Biology, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, USA). “I felt the editor’s approach to editing was very mentoring for my co-author on our paper, who was a young scientist and this was her first publication. We felt a deep engagement and excitement during the process of submission and review while we worked with the editor. The journal title, Life: The Excitement of Biology, is quite indicative of our experience.” (December 27, 2017). “I have published in previous journals for which Dr. Jorge A. Santiago-Blay was Editor, and I feel that he is one of the best in the profession. My recent experience publishing in Life: The Excitement of Biology was positive from start to finish. Dr. Santiago-Blay was always quick to answer questions and provide guidance before, during, and after submission and revision of the manuscript. He obtained rigorous peer reviews from experts in my field and encouraged a swift turnaround at all stages of the process. The final product was truly excellent. I could not be more happy with my experience as an author for LEB, and I feel fortunate to have been an early contributor to this fine journal.” (July 30, 2016).
“I recommended a colleague of mine to consider publishing in LEB because it is a very good journal and the Editor-in-Chief is very conscientious.” Alejandro Ríos Franceschi, PhD (May 2, 2020; Utuado, Puerto Rico).
“The process of getting my recent paper entitled, “The Effect of Shade Houses on the Insect Pests and Yield of Three Important Plant Crops in Puerto Rico: Pepper, Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae), Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus (Cucurbitaceae), and Cabbage, Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae)”, published in Life: The Excitement of Biology, was very pleasant. All steps of the process, from submitting the paper to its publication, were done professionally and timely. The reviewers were careful and expeditious. Life: The Excitement of Biology is a great venue to get your scientific papers published.” Irma Cabrera Asencio, Ph.D. (November 15, 2019 Candidate, Professor, Agro-Enviromental Sciences Department, College of Agricultural Sciences and University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus and Agricultural Experiment Station, HC-04 Box 7115, Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico).
“We would like to thank Dr. Jorge A. Santiago-Blay for the remarkable work done as an Editor of the journal Life: The Excitement of Biology. He is a very responsible and resourceful professional that loses no time in providing excellent suggestions and guidance in order to improve our submitted research manuscript to the LEB. Review process was a very gratifying experience. His open, honest and friendly communication is a ‘Big Plus’ “. Dr. Imar Mansilla-Rivera and Dr. Carlos J. Rodríguez-Sierra (July 14, 2016; Department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
“Submitting and publishing a paper in LEB was a very positive experience. The reviewing process was fast, professional, and helped in many ways to improve the quality of the manuscript. Our communication process with the editor (Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay) was also fast, excellent, and very constructive, leading to a better quality manuscript and faster publication.” Dr. Miguel P. Sastre Wirshing (October 22, 2015; Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, Puerto Rico)
“This is to express my sincere gratitude to you for your cooperation in publishing my paper on “Mega-Evolution”. Since I started publishing papers some 45 years ago, I have never experienced such a helpful editor as you are. I wish you all success withLife: The Excitement of Biology. Enjoy Life. ” Dr. Arnold De Loof (February 28, 2015; Functional Genomics and Proteomics Group, Department of Biology, KU Leuven-University of Leuven, Belgium)
“LEB stands out because of the friendliness and warmth of the interactions with its editor. The assistance I received with the publication of a rather long paper with some complex figures was very generous. I highly recommend this journal to my fellow biology researchers.” Dr. Heidi Hopkins (January 9, 2015; Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, USA)
“There are many challenges on a young researcher’s road to getting published in a scientific journal. Life: The Excitement of Biology is an exceptional journal in this sense, as it welcomes both aspiring and experienced researchers without lowering the quality standards. It was an honor to work with Dr. Santiago-Blay who provided the much needed guidance through all steps of the submission process”. Anna Kudryashova [October 19, 2013; Undergraduate student, Communications, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston Massachusetts, USA and Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia (Linguistics)]
“Paper submission to LEB was an excellent experience for me: the editor was remarkably responsive and available throughout the pre-publication process. The editor worked carefully with me to assure that reviewers’ comments were appropriately addressed and made recommendations to help maximize the quality of data and photos. The editor’s collegial and involved working relationship is greatly appreciated.” Dr. Victor E. Krynicki (October 17, 2013; Bahama, North Carolina, USA)
“As a young researcher it was a complete joy and a unbelievable experience to work with Dr. Santiago-Blay. His timely responses to questions and assistance are unmatched by anyone thus far in my young career. I look forward to working with LEB and the Dr again in the future”. George LoCascio III (October 16, 2013; Undergraduate student, Biology; Bunker Hill Community College, Boston Massachusetts, USA)
“What I liked the most about LEB was: 1) an editor who really edits, 2) relative ease of submission, 3) rapidity with which all was handled, 4) reasonable prices, and 5) a nice-looking product. I anticipate sending another manuscript in the not too distant future.” Dr. Edward L. Mockford (August 19, 2013; Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, USA; http://bio.illinoisstate.edu/elmockf/)
“Congratulations on your new journal! I know from personal experience that you’ll be very simpatico with your authors, as you were with me when you edited Entomological News.” Chuck Holliday (February 28, 2013; Professor, Department of Biology, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA; http://sites.lafayette.edu/hollidac/)
“I can honestly say Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay have been the best editor I have worked with in my years of publishing. I speak from my experience in two other journals Jorge has served, Entomological News (2003-2009), or still serves as Editor-in-Chief, Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews (2007-present). Dr. Santiago-Blay has been very responsive and fast to answer questions, review papers, as well as other issues, fair, and has conducted his work in a way that lets the author know he is are there to assist authors in getting the manuscript published. Jorge is also good at resolving any conflicts between reviewers and authors by making an effort to understand both sides. Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay would be the main reason I would select a journal edited by him to submit a manuscript. In sum, I have been extremely pleased with the overall experiences. Keep up the good work!” Dr. C. B. Knisley (January 9, 2013; Research Professor, Department of Biology, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia, USA; http://faculty.rmc.edu/bknisley/public_html/publications.html)
“I don’t think I’ve ever had an editor send a paper out to reviewers in less than two weeks, let alone the same day as the submission. This is the sort of responsiveness that will make LEB a very attractive outlet for active researchers who seek to have their work published in a timely manner (as opposed to waiting several months for the editorial and review processes to grind their way to a decision)..” Dr. J. Lockwood (January 3, 2013; Professor of Natural Sciences & Humanities, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA; http://www.uwyo.edu/philosophy/faculty/lockwood.html)
What our reviewers say
“I am also thankful for the mission of your journal.” Dr. John Vucetich (January 16, 2013; School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA; http://www.isleroyalewolf.org/)
What our readers say
About the paper entitled, “Larval Development and Survival of Mimetic and Non-Mimetic Female Papilio polytes Linnaeus, 1758
(Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Reared in Captivity in Taiwan” authored by Jing-Fang Lin, Dr. Blackmore said, ”[t]hese very practical observations – based on rearing and observing the insects are an enormously part of biodiversity science. However, such straightforward observations might not appeal to the highest impact journals – despite the fact that they represent precisely the kind of knowledge we need to understand the world around us (and, essentially, the excitement of biology!)” Stephen Blackmore CBE VMH FRSE (January 2, 2023; Honorary Fellow, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) www.rbge.org.uk, Chair, Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) www.bgci.org)
“I have read the interesting article entitled “The Anthropological Consumption of Non-Human Primates: The Other Black Meat” written by Dr. Reniel Rodríguez Ramos” and published in Life: The Excitement of Biology 2(1):2-12. I liked it very much, it was very inspiring in this time of wars between those with power and others. My congratulations on your excellent work.” Carlos Brisola Marcondes (July 17, 2014; Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil)
“I read and enjoyed the articles posted for the first issue. … I am not a science student but I do find these things of interest. The way you present the material makes me curious and interested. Thank you.” J. M. Cornish (December 30, 2012; Rockville, Maryland, USA)
“I’m expanding my new year with knowledge about Life…things I don’t already know. How about you?” L. Steffen (January 4, 2013; Lititz, Pennsylvania, USA)
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